Jacklad 650 installed on Aran 250

LAT / 50.152573
LON / -5.066270

Falmouth, United Kingdom

Jack Up Barges

Jack up barges and self-elevating platforms are unique in terms their engineering and operational capabilities. We combine quality structural, mechanical, control system and marine engineering with years of operational and geotechnical expertise to support projects internationally.

Jacking system hydraulic valves

Technical Expertise and Support

Whether it is getting the most out of existing assets, site specific risk assessments or system or ancillary equipment upgrades, we deliver leading solutions.

  • Jacking system upgrade and maintenance
  • Boarding and access systems
  • Crane and lifting upgrades
  • Control system modification and automation

We are proud members of, and work closely with, IJUBOA, the International Jack up Barge Operators Association, to sustain and promote standards for the safe and effective operation of jack up barges and self-elevating platforms throughout the world.

Jacking and Control Systems

Vessel Upgrades

Structural Modifications

Naval Architecture

Specialist hydraulic support on deck

Leaders In Jack Up Barge Operations

Our industry expertise underpins everything we do. Chartered engineers with practical, hands-on experience, we deliver leading solutions across a global market. Consulting, designing, building and installing, we engineer equipment for a broad range of operations to increase asset safety, operability and productivity.

  • Payload and operational capability reviews
  • Safety audits and inspection
  • Class approval and survey
  • Operational support and training
Jacklad 650 installed

Case Study

JackLad 650

We designed our unique CTV jack up ladders to enable safe access and egress from <6.5t CTVs to barges and other offshore structures, boosting project safety, efficiency and productivity. Encompassing a unique shock absorption system, 12 operational positions, and a 9m range, they have been identified by the International Jack Up Barge Operators Association (IJUBOA) as ‘best practice access solution’.

  • Fully raised position allows safe floating transit
  • Walk to work solution for improved safety and operability
  • Adjustable height for various air gaps
  • Best in class solution
  • Turnkey package for your vessel
Our Clients